
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Miss Dior Fall/Winter 2013 Bag Campaign

I was so excited when Dior announced that Mila Kunis was going to be the face of Miss.Dior Bags again.  For the Fall/Winter 2013 Campaign, Kunis posed in front of Vogue's go-to photographer Mario Sorrenti,  with a 1950's Hollywood glamour feel.  Mila looks timeless and effortlessly styled with a large hair bow, dark make-up and higher than high heels.  Dior even commented saying, “The very essence of the House of Dior.”  What more could Kunis want to  hear... other than the shots are absolutely gorgeous, she looks stunning.  I can't wait to see these in my monthly fashion magazine reads.

1 comment:

  1. トリーバーチ 財布の外側を見ましたか、大きなロゴマークに注目、存在感抜群で、シンプルなデザインですが、しっかり高級感がある。でも外側だけじゃない、内側も小さなロゴプレートが付いて、ブランド品ならではの魅力を周りに見せましょう、ひとつあれば大満足できる。toryburchのデザインが様々、もちろん見てるだけで心が踊るような遊び心満載なキュートなデザインも存在している。
