
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today was not nearly as exciting as last night

I have been reliving last night all day! The KOL concert was unreal. It is my 3rd time seeing them and they just get better and better every time. Im sure a big part of my incredible evening was the group I was with. Which I would like to rename us the KOL Crew. This is the second KOL concert that we've gone to together and is guaranteed an awesome time. Thanks Miss Talbot one again for inviting all of us and getting the tickets! After the concert we went out for drinks at a local bar in Toronto with over 60 beers on tap. I'm sorry I can't remember the name... Wasn't paying attention clearly. Had a couple more drinks and then heading home for the evening. The boyfriend had to be up at 5am to catch a flight to Vegas for work so we had to call it an earlier, less crazy night. Considering the adventure that happened after I left, good thing we left when we did or today would have been a horrible struggle. When KOL comes back to Toronto, I would HIGHLY recommend catching the show. If you love live music and singers who actually sing and sound exactly like their songs on the radio you will love a KOL concert. I am already waiting patently for their next concert!

I got my new bar stools for my kitchen island! I am so excited to be able to have 4 chairs at my dinning room table again. I love Urban Barn! My favorite contemporary furniture and home decor store. Next on my list is an accent chair for my new "reading corner". I need suggestions of stores in Toronto that I should check out!

As I am sitting on my couch trying to enjoy a relaxing rest of the evening my mind is going a mile a minute. So much going on within the next week that is for some reason stressful. Oh wait I know why, it's because I have my good friend Jesse's Charity Gala on Friday and then LG Fashion Week all next week. Let's be honest my busy upcoming week is not what's stressing me out it's the fact that I have a week of important events that I need to put outfits together for. Of course I want to go and buy some new outfits, especially since my girlfriend told me that Forever 21 has some awesome tops right now! Do I need new clothes, no! I have a walk-in closet full of clothes that would be easily put together to create super cute outfits. But that's no fun!

I'm ready to kick up my feet enjoy Criminal Minds and relax for the rest of the night. Hopefully this rain stops sometime sons, I hate walking to and from work in the rain and I hate umbrellas even more.

Until then, take care and stay dry!

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