
Friday, October 07, 2011


I love waking up knowing it is Friday! Something to do with knowing I have the next 2 (3 this week because of Thanksgiving) off and can relax and do whatever I want all day long! However, relaxing is probably not the right word to use for my upcoming weekend...

It's my girlfriends 25th birthday on Sunday and we are celebrating early, on Saturday because of Thanksgiving. So Saturday afternoon me and around 8 of my girlfriends are heading to Brampton to go apple picking followed by a picknic in the park. I can't wait, it is going to be a blast! And it is suppose to be 25 degrees (80 degrees F) so I am of course busting out the shorts and summer top. I can't pass up such a rare weather opportunity, Especially since summer is my FAVORITE season ever!!! After this lovely afternoon I am potentially going to the Leafs and Senitors game at the Air Canada Centre... I entered my name into a draw at work and fingers crossed I win.

I am planing on painting my condo next weekend (October 15th) and since I live downtown and walk/FTC everywhere it is tough for me to go and buy paint and then carry it all home. Since I don't want to struggle I am going with my parents to get paint! And hopefully head to Home Outfitters to get some new sheets, hangers and place mats. I have a 10% off coupon I have to take advantage of... DUH!!!

Well I have to get ready for work now... Ugh, just have to keep on thinking only 8 more hours! And it gives me a chance to read only way to and from work.

Until next time,

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