
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Have way through the week...

Thank goodness it's Wednesday... The work week is half done! Whoo hoo!

So a girl at work and I are doing the master cleanse for the next 10 days. Unfortunately, all I can eat/drink is a concoction of Maple Syrup, Lemon Juice and Cayenne Pepper... You're all probably thinking what the **** is she thinking? That sounds horrible. Well you are almost right... It isn't as bad tasting as you think however, only drinking this for 10 days is the tough part!!! Especially since I am only on day 2 and I am already craving a Big Mac. My will power and restrant is in high high gear right now... Apparently it is going to get easier, I'm still waiting. I'm sure it isn't helping that I am watching Rachel Ray... Tyra's on though, I just can't resist!

On a completely different note, who watched Glee last night? Omg Britney's performance of Beyonce's "Who Runs The World" was amazing!! She is so incredible and isn't showcased enough in the show... Hello does anyone remember the Britney Spears episode?? Next... Who do you think is a better Maria? Rachel or Mercedes? Was Mercedes over reacting? Should Rachel admit she thinks Mercedes was better? Ugh... I am just going to have to wait until next week. Between Glee and Gossip Girl I am going to have an anxiety attack.

Well... All I have planned for tonight is reading the October Issue of Elle UK, drinking my cleanse concoction and a new episode of The Real World San Diego, which by the way I am not fully hooked on yet.

Tomorrow is going to be a big day. Not only is it Thursday, one more day until the weekend. I am also going to a Sushi Making Class with my girlfriends at The Thompson Hotel in Toronto. The only downer is that I am not going to be able to eat my delishously self made sushi... Maybe I'll cheat... That's our little secret! I'll fill you all in tomorrow!

Till then,

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