
Monday, October 10, 2011

Quite the holiday Monday!

I hope everyone enjoyed your holiday Monday off as much as I did. I'm sorry for all of you that had to go to work. I had quite the relaxing lazy morning turned into a busy fun filled aftrnoon with good friends.

After sleeping in until are 12pm, I then went to the Eaton's Centre to return a shirt from Forever 21. Typically my return turned into a reason to take advantage of being into a mall. I bought a wicked pair of party shoes from Aldo and a denim button up shirt and a leopard print pony haired belt from Wilfred! I however, I purchase regret... Meaning I passed on a fabulous pair of leopard print bootie from Aldo that I need to go back and pick up! NEED TO!!!

Followed by shopping we went to my favorite Mexican Restaurant in Toronto, Hernarnd's Hideaway for diner. I had a margarita, obvi, and a burrito... YUMMMY!!! I now have left overs for lunch tomorrow. Can't wait!

I am now sitting at home relaxing after a long 60 min walk home from Bloor and Yonge and watching Gossip Girl! I can't wait to find out what happens on tonights episode! It is going to be sooo good! Then Part 2 of Kim's Fairytail Wedding is on at 9! quite the evening ahead of me. I also need to get some what of a good sleep... KOL TOMORROW!

Until then,

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