
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Just another lazy Sunday!

I had the most enjoyable Sunday that I've had in a while... All that was missing was brunch and cedars at the Foggy Dew with friends Don't get me wrong I thought about going by myself! Don't worry I refrained myself...

Well the paint has fully dried and I have put everything back to it's original spots and it looks amazing! I am so happy with the final look of this project. I also was able to find an accent chair at a local independent store on Queen Street West today! It looks amazing and is exactly the look I was going for. The surprise was that the detailing on the chair is green and it compliments my kitchen paint perfectly! My grand room (kitchen, tv room and dinning room) is complete. Well except for the wallpaper, I need to get my mom in here stat to get it completed!

One mess and stress is over and on to the next one... LG Fashion Week!

I need to plan outfits for three separate nights of Fashion Shows! Thank goodness I have tomorrow off and can get them together! Rushing outfits never ends well! Everything needs to be perfect from the clothes to the shoes to the accessories to my hair and make up. Time is
and cannot be waisted when perparing for Fasion Week. You never know who you're going to bump into/meet. Yo always need to look your best and be ready for anything! The best place to network and put a good impression into the Fashion World is at Toronto Fashion Week!

Omg... I finally bought those Leopard Print Booties from Aldo that I've been talking and obsessing about for the last couple of days! Good thing I waiting they were on sale for $99.00 istead of $140.00 and I had a coupon for an additional 15% off so I think I did pretty well! And overall glad I waited before buying them! But they are MINE now! I can't wait to wear them... Maybe ill put something together and include them for Fahion Week! Good idea Rebecca!

Spending the last hours of my Sunday watching E! Network... Are you surprised! My usual Sunday night shoes, Kendra and Dirty Soup! It is my drug... My weekend isn't complete without it. Too bad Keeping Up With The Kardashian's isn't still on, my life would be complete!

Tomorrow I am off work and will be taking full advantage of it! I will keep you all updated on my fabulous day off while all you suckers are at work... Hehe

Till then,

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