
Monday, October 28, 2013

Chloé Spring 2014 #PFW

"Well, thank goodness someone has seen the light - quite literally, as it turns out, but more of that later.  The realization that has been arrived at is that no woman - repeat: no woman - really ever wants to disport herself in something so diaphanous it is akin to being naked. (No, Rihanna, whose presence has been tangible in many of the runway shows these past few weeks, doesn't count.)  Chloé's Clare Waight Keller has had that same thought on her mind.  So, rather winningly, he version of the sheermania that has enveloped the spring collections in a sea of whisper-weight chiffon is about the suggestion of transparency, rather than revealing all. 'Not everyone's perfect,' said Waight Keller backstage, in a sympathetic Girls-I-Am-On-Your-Side tone of voice.  'Not everyone is like the models in the show.  I wanted to give a sense of sheer, but to keep it soft and wearable at the same time." - vogue.com

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