
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I have a crazy August on my hands...

With summer right around the corner I can't stop planning my annual summer vaca(s).  Not only is summer my favourite time of year, it is also when my birthday is!  August, just can't come quick enough.  I typically like to do something fun and exciting for my birthday, but who doesn't, and I may go a little bit over board from time to time... but that's just me! So in true Rebecca fashion and with the excuse being that it is my 25th birthday I've decided to go to my favourite place on Earth, no not Disney World but that's up there too, Las Vegas!  The only issue with Vegas in August is that a) it is deathly hot and b) I already have two other vacas planned for August.  Oops, so much for Rebecca's Summer of Yes, I need to SAVE!
My August festivities start the beginning of August, which is also a Long Weekend, August 3rd-5th, in glorious Montreal with my girlfriends for Osheaga.  Click here for my original Osheaga post.
After my quick weekend in Vegas I am then travelling to Paris for some classic touristic things and shopping, obvi!!  Also, I am dying to see the Louis Vuitton and Marc Jacobs Exhibit, and which is the original reason why I wanted/needed to go this summer, which you can see here.
What are all of your plans for Summer?

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