
Friday, June 01, 2012

How Crazy is This...

With the recent monsoon we had today in Toronto, I was not only one that experienced some major problems.  (since I take the bus I had to walk from the bus stop to my work and got completely soaked and spend the first hour of my shift standing with a heater behind me drying me off) Toronto's Union Station has had a hard time as well today, experiencing a flood inside the station.  Check out the pictures below showing the flood inside Union Station causing it to close and some subway routes to close as well.  Firefighters even had to carry people out who were waiting on the platforms, as they were trapped.  So scary! I am just hoping that this mess all clears up by 5 today, or a lot of commuters will be upset that they have to find an alternative route home.  And really who wants to deal with that kind of hassle on a Friday evening.

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