
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tyra Responds to ANTM Firings

After my post regarding the Firing of Nigel, Mrs. Jay and Jay Manuel from ANTM the other day, which you can see here.  Miss Tyra Banks has responded and tried to clear the air as to why she made such a drastic change to the show.  Stating that " that "the show just needs a new boost".  "It's very difficult because I love my guys. I mean, they're my guys.  However, it wasn't a shock," she continued. "There had been a discussion that ratings were down and that something like this would happen."  In conclusion she said "They'll still be there because my partner Ken Mok and I, we have projects that we're developing, and we're a family,  so it doesn't end."  What do you guys think?  With top model be the same without them, and do you think they will get the rating boast that these firings intended on?  I guess well just have to wait until next season to find out.

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