
Saturday, February 18, 2017

It's #NYFW: Alice + Olivia Fall 2017

"Last year on her birthday, Stacey Bendet received a very special gift. Salman Rushdie gave her a miniature copy of his novel The Enchantress of Florence and, in turn, inspired her to create a Fall collection filled with nods to Indian emperors and the Italian Renaissance. The story is about a woman forging her own way in a man’s world, a theme that’s been underscored at nearly every show this week. Bendet, however put her own peppy, funky spin on the topic, showing cute and colorful wares that would befit a modern-day maharani or Botticelli chick. She also offered up a slogan tee with the phrase Be the change you want to see in the world. Bendet made it clear that this wasn’t about forcing a political conversation. “It’s about taking everything you’re seeing and hearing and interpreting it as your own,” the designer said. Bendet had a lot to offer for Fall, with a sweeping lineup. Options are what she does best, and this season the idea of mixing and matching and making bits of the collection one’s own, if only to escape reality for a bit of fun, felt totally on the nose." - vogue.com

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