
Monday, January 09, 2017

Book Review: "Small Great Things"

When I found out Jodi Picoult was releasing a new book late last year I was so excited to get my nose in another great read by one of my all time favourite authors and "Small Great Things" was no disappointment! "Small Great Things" takes you on a wild adventure through racism, death, revenge, and ultimately the power of unconscious doubt. Ruth, a Labour and Delivery Nurse with over 20 years of experience, finds herself in an unexpected situation where her patients, white supremacists, request to have Ruth dismissed from their care due to her race. When an unimaginable event happens to the couples newborn, Ruth has to make a quick decision whether to preform CPR or listen to the patent's wishes. When tragedy strikes Ruth ends up on trial with a white public defender who doesn't believe in bringing race into the courtroom. To see how everything turns out for Ruth be sure to pick up a copy of "Small Great Things" by clicking HERE. I promise you, you won't be able to put this one down. It's another masterpiece by the great Jodi Picoult! I can't wait to read her next book!

NOTE: I purchase all my E-Books from the Kobo website and also use my Ebates account to get Cash Back from my e-book purchases! So not only am I saving the Earth by reading digital copies, I am also putting money back into my wallet, who doesn't love that! Be sure to sign up for Ebates by clicking HERE and if you haven't shopped on Kobo click HERE to get started.

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