
Sunday, November 03, 2013

Rochas Spring 2014 #PFW

"For Zanini, this collection was "a big love letter to Rochas-joyous and cheerful and happy," and it summed up the whimsical and charming femininity that he has summoned for the house in his five years at the design helm (Zanini is strongly rumored to be the new designer at Schiaparelli). "Ideas can come from very unexpected places," Zanini added, and this year, after reading a biography of Tennessee Williams, he as struck by the evocative and poetic titles that the writer gave his plays, and in particular by the idea of The Glass Menagerie. So he set about creating a fragile-seeming collection that would suggest "glass and crystal and translucency-like a sugary overdose." - vogue.com

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