
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gossip Girl Series Finale

I am sure I am not the only one who was sitting in front on their TV last night from 8-10 watching the Series Finale of Gossip Girl, whether you want to admit it or not.  After 6 seasons/years my favorite show has come to an end and I am so sad!!  What am I going to do with my Monday nights now?  I will say for a Series Finale I was completely satisfied with all of the outcomes, however, if I had one complaint it would be that I wished the episode was the full 2 hours and the special with the cast of Gossip Girl was either shorter or aired on a different night.  Let me know what you thought of the finale.  And FYI there will be spoilers after the break, so if you still need to need to catch up on last nights episode don't read any further.
First, I could not believe Dan was Gossip Girl all this time. I know I know a lot of you probably guessed it throughout the season but I really thought A) Gossip Girl was going to be a girl and B) I thought Gossip Girl was going to be either Jenny, Ivy, or Georgina, NOT DAN!  Secondly, I am so happy that Blair and Chuck finally got married, all I can say is it's about time.  Their marriage was pretty much all I wanted out of the finale!  Thirdly, it was nice to see Dan and Serena back together and Serena forgiving Dan and then marrying him at the end, I always loved them together! Fourthly, I loved Kristen Bell's cameo in the episode. When she started speaking I really thought she was going to be crowned as Gossip Girl, not herself playing Gossip Girl while reading lines with Rachel Bilson, also another amazing cameo. Finally, the clothes were amazing!!  Definitely was not disappointed with them, from Blair's Elie Saab wedding gown to Serena's amazing Christian Louboutin studded stilettos, they sure went out with a Fashion Bang!  UGH... I am so sad it is over, however my Monday nights will remain Gossip Girl Monday, as I will start re-watching each episode starting from Season 1. I am just not ready to say Goodbye to Gossip Girl just yet!


  1. I'm so sad that it's over, but season 6 was really crappy and I have to admit I felt it was time for them to wrap it up. I'm in awe of Blair's Elie Saab gown. Can you say gorgeous?!

    I cried and I dunno what my Monday nights are going to be like without a show known for its fashion ;/

    Will you be tuning into the Carrie Diaries?

    Yamari (@yourgotogal)

  2. What a great post. I was surprised Dan was gossip girl but it really made sense and I was really happy with the finale. Blair's dress was stunning!!
