
Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Year Sumed Up in 12 Elle Covers

January 2012 - Katherine Heigl & February 2012 - Reese Witherspoon 
March 2012 - Blake Lively & April 2012 - Jessica Simpson
May 2012 - Rihanna & June 2012 - Kristen Stewart
July 2012 - Selena Gomez & August 2012 - Katie Holmes
September 2012 - Katy Perry & October 2012 - Britney Spears
November 2012 - Sarah Jessica Parker & December 2012 - Jennifer Lawrence


  1. I love the ones where they experiment with color (backgrounds, different font colors, etc)...like Katy Perry's and Selena Gomez's. They are my favorites! Glad to have you on in on the #BSBN group of fab girls!

    -Brittany of @suburbchicblog

  2. Rihanna's cover was my favorite. The Shoe, Bags and Dresses article was my favorite!

  3. I think I like the Jennifer Lawrence cover best.... she looks amazing and the yellow really pops!!
