
Thursday, November 16, 2017

SMS - Save My Skin (Winter Edition)

Winter is officially here in Toronto, and with that so is my dry, itchy, cracked skin. So out come my deep moisturizers and exfoliants to help me battle the next few frigid Winter months. Although being a beauty blogger and getting the opportunity to test and surround myself with some of the best and worst products on the market, I always end up going back and repurchasing these 2, very accessible and inexpensive, products. I know, you are probably surprised to see a Bath & Body Works Body Cream and The Body Shop Body Scrub, but guys these are honestly the best! The Bath & Body Works Body Cream contains some of the most hydrating ingredients ever to give the skin 24 hours of moisture, but for me the golden ticket is the consistency. Although thick it melts right into my skin, leaving a non-greasy yet extremely moisturizing feel, which can all be thanks to the following ingredients: Aloe Butter, Shea Butter, and Cocoa Butter. This cream is perfect for after the shower, however I also put some on extra dry or itchy areas right before bed to try and avoid my skin from cracking. I highly recommend this product and for around $15, sometimes even under $10 if you get it on promotion, you can't go wrong! However, before even thinking of moisturizing your skin post shower, you need a great exfoliant to get rid of any dead skin and add additional moisture you cannot get from any ordinary body wash. The Exfoliating Body Scrubs from The Body Shop are insanely good! I literally cannot recommend them enough, you just can't go wrong with either formula, whether the Gel or Cream. This scrub is extremely light on the skin, however gives the skin a fairly intense exfoliate. I usually use it 2-3 times a week, depending on how cold and dry the weather is and how that's affecting my skin. My only tip is to make sure to buy these when there's some sort of sale going on. The Body Shop does some AMAZING promotions, Buy 3 Get 3 is my personal fav and for good reason. Why wouldn't you want to get 6 scrubs for $66? That's $11 per scrub! It is also a great opportunity to stock up and/or try different/multiple scents. These two products do the trick and get me through the Winter, what are some of your Winter Skin go-tos? Be sure to leave your recommendations and favourites in the comments below!
The Body Shop Exforliating Body Scrub $22 CDN

NOTE: Another perk of shopping online with Bath & Body Works and The Body Shop, besides the convenience, is using Ebates! If you do not know/use Ebates you are missing out on additional Cash Back on every purchases. If you are still not signed up for Ebates click HERE to sign up!

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