
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Successful Cottage Weekend

As you all know, click here for a refresher, last weekend was May 2/4 Weekend and in Canada that means long weekend time or Victoria Day Weekend.  I decided to head up to my boyfriend's cottage close to Montreal for some quality R&R.  Being further north than Toronto and in Cottage Country, the weather is always so hard to predict.  However, with good weather in mind we ventured and survived the 7 hour drive to the cottage.  Upon arriving the photo above was my view... not to shabby huh!  Being right on a lake really provides you with so many options to spend those hot summer days, kayaking, tanning, boating, swimming, rock jumping etc. and we were sure to take full advantage of them all.  Not only did we take advantage of the lake we also took the time and prepared tasty dinners and lunches everyday, which was nice seeing how normally you eat horribly when at cottages (I typically eat Kraft Dinner and Hot Dogs breakfast, lunch and dinner).  We made Salmon, Chicken and Hamburgers for dinner the three nights we were there, all on the BBQ and man oh man were they delish.  For lunch we had Salad, BLTs and Sandwiches, which also were quite scrumptious.  During the evenings we played cards and board games, which ended up getting very competitive amongst the six of us (I completely forgot how fun Ass-Hole is).  Once Monday came we knew it was time to hit the road and head home and back to reality, however with such beautiful weather all weekend and it continuing into Monday we couldn't resist staying a little later in the afternoon to soak up as much sun as possible on our last day.  To my disappointment no smores or spider dogs were made, however there is always next time.
I hope all your long weekends were as much fun as mine was.  Whether being May 2/4 Long Weekend in Canada or Memorial Day Weekend in the US.

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