
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Louis Vuitton Fall 2012 Preview

With all the hype of Spring/Summer Collections hitting the stores and magazines, it is exciting to see what is up and coming for Fall 2012 from the House of Louis Vuitton.
So far it looks like alot of fur detailing and accessories.  Keeping outerwear as the main focus and adding fur detailing to clothes and shoes to keep within the outerwear focus.
Whether you hate, like or love fur, this collection is going to be beautiful.  I cant wait to see the rest of this collection and what else is going to be coming out from different Designers for Fall 2012. 

I know I know, you are all probably thinking that I need to relax and get through the rest of Fall/Winter 2011 and enjoy Spring/Summer 2012 before getting too exciting about next Fall.  But it is so exciting, new collections are always exciting when it is newly released, regarless of the season it is for.

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