
Monday, December 26, 2011

My Most Fav Chirstmas Gift

Im not much of a "gamer", as people call it.  But ever since I have played some of my friend's Wii games I have wanted one.  Not something I would personally buy, since I would rather some new clothes or shoes.  I asked for it for Christmas.  December 23rd, the day my boyfriend and I exchanged gifts, came around and I was super curious what he was going to buy me.  Exciting already that I got to open a present, I was even more exciting opening it to see a Nintendo Wii.

I received the Black Console, as photoed above, and got Super Mario Brothers with it.  One of my favs, such a classic game.  So now it is a couple of days since and Boxing Day, so what perfect timing to buy some more games.  Already buying Jeopardy and Wii Sport from Future Shop.

Heading after work to Walmart to purchase some more with a Gift Card I received for Christmas.  Below are the games I am hoping are still in stock by the time I get there!

I also have to buy another controller.  Pink it is :) lol  It is going to look so cute with my Black Console!

This is going to be one fun Christmas present.  I cant way until I get better and dont stuggle through things. 

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