
Friday, November 11, 2011

30 Pound Wings Hitting The VS Runway

Not only did Alessandra Ambrosio get to strut down the runway in this season's hottest Victory Secret lingerie, she also had the challange of wearing 30lb Swarovski Crystal and Gold Plated Wings.  Victoria Secret is known worldwide for their wings and they need to be bigger and better every year!  This year was no dissapointment.  Alessandra was quoted saying 'I tried to strengthen my back a little bit.' when asked what training and preparation was needed before walking the runway.

You can see below the hardwork and attention to detail that took over 7 years to create and yes I said 7 years.  The wings were designed and made in Sydney, by Manik Mercian.

All this time and effort for a 30 second walk done the catwalk.  Do you think it was worth it?

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